Monday, August 31, 2009 at 5:45 PM |  
Haha of course they all take everything you say seriously it's the first week of school and they're old enough to know how to suck up. Once they get more comfortable with you it won't be so easy to keep them focused I would imagine. Yeah I bet Austin is excited to go back to school and see everyone. Zac and Kevin emailed me last week and they had just moved back to Cedar City and everyone's coming back and I miss them all so I'm kinda jealous that Austin gets to go back. Oh my gosh tell Erica to tell Mrs. Cabellero that she is my sister and she will love her! I don't know what I did but that lady loved me! If she doesn't remember me just tell Erica to tell her that she has a brother who is on a Spanish Speaking mission and that should get her in pretty good too. I think Mrs. Cabellero used to be a Spanish teacher at the MTC so she'll love it. I'm so excited for Lauren that she is getting baptized on Saturday that is so cool! And that also makes me really happy that she wants to invite all her teachers.
Our branch members have been giving us a hard time for a little while about helping us, they complain when we ask them to give rides to investigators and we don't ever get any referrals from them, oh man and we told one guy about Latisha who we met on Tuesday and baptized on Sunday and he got mad at us because we did it too fast I guess. He said, "now Elders maybe I am the only one who is brave enough to ask this but do you care about retention? I know Elders only care about numbers but the members care about people's salvation." Oh I was so mad at him! I didn't say this (I should have) but I thought you know what, we are the ones who are supposed to find them, teach them, and baptize them, if they aren't coming anymore it's because your home teaching sucks and they don't feel welcome! We don't care about numbers, ugh I was so mad! So Elder Black and I gave talks yesterday in Sacrament meeting about every member a missionary and basically called them out on all flojos in the ward (sorry Spanish for lazy).
Hermano Noriega is being a little difficult. He's the nicest guy in the world and he loves it when we come and visit him at his house but he isn't coming to church with his family anymore, I'm not sure why but yeah it's kinda lame. We'll keep working with him and teaching him and hopefully he'll come around. Latisha is awesome we were at one of our investigators houses and she just happened to be over there and so we taught them both. She really loved the eternal families and wanted to get baptized. I'm not sure how she lost her son but about six years ago, her fiance died in a car crash but she still has her six year old daughter Ineesha. But she's doing great!Ugh my eyes are bugging me. I hate it I thought the humid place would help too but I guess not. I don't know maybe I'll have Sister Newman get me an appointment with an eye doctor here and see what we can do it's so stupid. Things are going great I love tracting and everything (probably because we have a car with ac) and my Spanish is coming slowly but surely. I even went to the Spanish Sunday school yesterday and learned with them. I didn't say much but I understood most of what was going on so that's good. I still feel like an idiot whenever we go tracting or contacting and we find Spanish people but I will get better, I've still only been out for almost one transfer so I will get better. Oh yeah transfer calls came in and Elder Black and I are both staying here for at least one more transfer. I was so happy everyone kept telling me that Black would probably be leaving and I was freaked out. If I had to be the one to show a new Elder where all our investigators lived and talk to all of them and all that stuff this area would have been screwed so I'm glad he's staying a little longer.
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