Monday, August 10, 2009 at 9:53 AM |  
I'm doing really well. The Spanish is coming ok i guess. Not as well as I would like it to but it's coming. I'm not very patient with myself. I want to just come out here running and speaking just like all of the other missionaries who have been out here for a while and then when I try and I can't do it I get upset with myself. I know it will come with time but like I said, I'm not patient. Angela dropped us. We went over to her house one day and she just said look guys I'm not really interested so I don't want to rude but don't come back anymore. Oh well, her loss. But the Noriegas are awesome! Two weeks ago the Mom and the daughter Venitia both came to church. So we went to teach them again that week and asked them how it was. They liked it a lot. This time when we taught them too we went over later so we could catch the Dad so we taught the whole family! Mom, Dad, Venitia who's I think 18 and then Brian who is 15. So we taught them about the Plan of Salvation which they loved and I think it made a lot of sense to them. They have really strong family values so they really liked the idea of eternal families. Then this week the whole family came to church together. Ah they loved it! Even the dad who we were kinda worried whether or not he would like it loved it. So that was great. Not only that but it also got Bro. Reyes from the ward excited about missionary work and he asked us if he could come with us the next time we teach the Noriegas because he really wants them to be baptized as well. So yeah they are awesome! I'll bet we get them baptized this Sunday or the next. I'll keep you posted.
I sent some pictures I took in the MTC through the snail mail today but there aren't a lot of me. I don't take pictures of myself like a girl, sorry. P day is good here but yeah I don't have a lot of time to write people and I would print it off like you said but P day is the only day when we're supposed to write home so this is basically all I've got. We get to wear our normal clothes on P day I hope it doesn't change. Last week we went to the YMCA almost all day and we met some people who play volleyball there every Monday so I think we're going back to play with them. Other than that we do mail and shopping and then play sports basically anywhere we can find them.
Tell Lauren I said happy birthday! That's so cool that she is getting baptized! To missionaries that's like the coolest thing in the world! I wish that I could be there so bad! But I'm proud of her and I know that she is making the right choice.
Congrats on the whole teacher thing. You'll have to let me know how that goes. That's so exciting that you are living your dream! I can't imagine being a teacher so you and Stacey will have to tell me all about it. I can't wait to hear stories about the little kids. Ah memories of elementary school.
Well tell everyone I love them and that I miss them all. I hope everything is going great with all of them. Especially Austin with his job. I told him before I left that the money is awesome but pretty soon it feels like you're working all the time so you can't even use the money. Just tell him it will be worth it and to hang in there. But also take some time for himself, I know you want him to work as much as he can you said the same thing to me but trust me he doesn't want to work ALL the time tell him to ask for a few weekend nights off every once in a while so he can go play. It's great to have money but he needs to party too ok? Ok well I'll mail you again next week I guess. Peace
Elder Johnson
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