Oh man things are going so much better here! I'm having such a great time and learning so much! I can't wait until I get to go out to Florida. I'm already more than half way done with the MTC that's so weird!
Ok I'm working on getting pictures. My camera's batteries die SO fast it's annoying so I haven't had a camera for a lot of my time here but I'm going to start taking a lot more. But I have some picutres of everyone in my district I think so I'll send those to you soon. There's Elder Taylor, Bagley, Pelo, Webb, Ninow, Upton, and Ford. They are all really great guys and our district gets along really well. Thank you for telling everyone to write me and thank you for all the stuff you have sent. It's pretty funny I have so much junk food piled on my desk in the dorms that people come over to our room at night time because they know that I will share with them so I've made a lot of friends that way. Oh actually there is one Elder next to us that I met and we figured out we played on the same basketball team in Arizona! He came to me and asked where he knew me and he said something about Ryan Kenny and I said, "Yeah he was my best friend!" His name is Elder Kenney James so that was kinda fun. Oh another cool thing that happened to me was when we went on Sunday to take pictures at the temple. My whole district went over there to take pictures and we met a family there who was also taking pictures. As we walked past we heard the mom say, "Go ahead ask them." So we stopped and waited and the kids got really shy and scared so we just asked, "would you like to take a picture with the missionaries?" They got really excited, "Yeah!" That was soo cool! Then later that night at a fireside the opening hymn was a group of little primary kids that sang I hope they call me on a mission and then we sang called to serve with them. Those two experiences alone made all of the difficult stuff I've been through here totally worth it!
I'm so glad that girls camp went well I know that you worked so hard on it. I never doubted that you would bring the spirit to those girls though you are always awesome at that. Good job!
Yeah my P day is on Tuesday and we do laundry and go to the temple today and still study a little bit. There's the firesides on Tuesday night that always have somebody pretty big come and talk. Last week we had Angel Abrea from the 70. It's pretty awesome so i'm excited for tonight. Well I miss you all send everyone my love.
Elder Johnson
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