Hello Mom and family!
I don't know if you got my first letter I wrote on the my first day here but things have gotten a lot better. I'm starting to get the hang of how things work around the MTC and classes and everything so I don't feel as overwhelmed. It's really weird to look in the mirror and see me in a suit with my little name badge in the morning, and having everyone call me Elder Johnson but I think my mentality is finally starting to fit the suit. I feel like a real missionary now and it's great! I'm learning so much about how to teach by the spirit and how to work really hard. Hopefully I will be able to learn all I need to know before I get out to Jacksonville. I think about home a lot and sometimes it's hard but then once I find something to read and study the spirit seems to take over and it gets easier. I still miss everyone though, and I appreciate the blessings I recieve from your prayers. Oh and please tell everyone to write me! It's sooo nice to get letters in the mail. It doesn't have to be anything great but just getting something and reading what's going on is really helpful to all of us out here. So please tell EVERYONE to write me! Especially girls ;) those are the most fun to read with the Elders in my district.
My companion, Elder Taylor, is a great guy and he is always happy even when I'm grumpy from lack of sleep or food. He really helps me to be a better missionary. Same with all of the Elders in my district. They all are just a bunch of fun guys and we all make each other laugh all day. but at the same time they are all very spiritual and knowledgeable when they need to be. There are no Sisters in our district and at first I thought that was a bad thing but when I see Sisters walking around the MTC and at the cafeteria I'm kinda glad we don't. Just because a lot of us are REALLY going to miss girls over these two years. Especially Elder Ninow, he flirts with a ton of girls it's not good so we laugh at him and give him a hard time. Anyway, I'm doing a lot better now and I'm learning a lot and working hard. Thank you for the package and tell everyone to write me!
Elder Johnson
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