Monday, January 18, 2010 at 9:54 AM |  
Oh man that is so sweet that you got to go to Stacey's farewell, I'm way jealous. I'll bet she did awesome, she's just very in control and very prepared for just about anything. I know she's going to make a great missionary! The sister missionaries are always awesome and she's going to be one of the best sister missionaries. Haha tell her parents that of course I remember them I was only at their house like every day over the part of summer I was home. They're a great family, they're all way cool. I miss them a lot.
Nan is engaged!? What the heck? To who? So they are getting married before I get home huh? Holy crap! If I talk to her I would need her email too. Ah man this is so weird, I don't feel old enough to have married friends! That's so cool though I'm way excited for her. They are mad at me aren't they, Nan and Stacey? I wouldn't blame them if they are. I feel like I'm missing so much and they are my best friends. I want so bad to be able to be there and to be able to support them with everything that is going on, but I'm here. And if I want to do all that I can while I'm here I need to be here 100%. I can't be here 100% if I'm constantly thinking and worrying about them. I need to focus. I need to be here. So I'm really sorry if everyone is mad at me especially Nan and Stacey and like I said I wouldn't blame them, but it's something I need to do.
I'm really excited to see what's going on at the house. How long have people been there working? That will be really weird to come home and have my house be all different haha. So we had another baptism yesterday. One of our members has been watching like four kids for a lady for six months. Her kids were taken from her and she moved up to Delaware to try and like put her life in order. I guess she was mixed up in drugs and drinking and all kinds of crazy stuff and so her kids have been living with one of the members here for the past six months. She finally came home not too long ago and she's changed her life around and is working really hard to be able to keep her kids with her now. She's so fixed everything in her life 180 degrees and so the member really wanted us to teach her, so we did and she got baptized yesterday. Ah man I love being a missionary. This woman has a brand new start now and she will be sweet! We also got Luis and Doris to come to church (the ones who never kept appointments). I think Doris liked it except her 17 month old baby was being a pain. I don't know about Luis though, they just booked out of there right after sacrament meeting and we haven't talked to them about it yet. I guess we'll see. We're also working with a family from Mexico that just showed up to church last week. I guess the son was living in Utah for a while with his aunt and he went to temple square and talked with the sister missionaries there. He came back and told his family that they need to go to the Mormon church so they came and now we're teaching them. They seem way cool, the husband is a little skeptical I think still. They know it's good, they know the church teaches good things, but they haven't prayed to know if this is THE church. Once they do that, I know they will be good. Also, they need to get married which is weird, I've never done a wedding before but it looks like it's going to happen, I don't know when yet but we're working on it with the bishop. I'm way excited for them. Oh it's so sweet!
I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time but somehow the Lord is still allowing us to have success. Every day I see more and more how this is his work and we only play a very small part. I can work and work and try to do all I can, but in the end, it's all up to Him. Ah I love it! It's like, it doesn't matter how short I fall or how much I don't speak Spanish :) but if the Lord is ready for them to be baptized, he makes it happen. We are just tools working in his hands. And it's like you said, as He uses us, we become better and better people at the same time and we progress and develop. Thank you for your prayers and your support. I love you guys.
Elder Johnson
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