Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 7:27 PM |  
Oh my don't worry about it. Grandma has told me that everyone is really busy right now with school and everything so I just figured that everyone was busy. Besides, Austin wrote me an email. It's really no big deal I promise.
We did get transfer calls on Saturday. Me and Elder Black are both leaving Crescent City, they call it a white wash when both the Elders in the area leave so Crescent City is getting white washed. I'm really excited to have the opportunity to serve somewhere else (hopefully that is a little bit bigger) and have a new companion and all that stuff. What I did not expect was how hard it was going to be. We went to church and told everyone that we were leaving and there were quite a few people who were really sad. Venezha Noriega was really sad (I think she has a crush on Elder Black which is really funny) and their parents were out of town so I don't know if they know yet but we're going to see them on Tuesday and I'm betting Hermana Noriega is going to be even more sad. We've gotten really close to that family over these two transfers. There's a lot of other investigators that we are going to miss a lot. We went over to Rosa's mom's house for a birthday party for her little baby brother and we played with Rosa's kids Jose and Brittany and Jenny and Antonio and those kids are really cool and they seem to like us a lot. I didn't think it was going to be this sad to get transfered. Rosa was telling us that she's going to wait for us so we can come back after our mission :)
Conference was so awesome! I loved all of the talks! Especially Holland's talk about the Book of Mormon. Holy cow it was so powerful! We watched it in the church by ourselves since everyone else just watched it on tv at home. I'm really gald that you feel better about your calling. I had a very similar experience to you I think. I was up in Palatka to do a tradeoff with the guys up there to someone who spoke Spanish and I got to go with our Zone Leader Elder Lamborne. He could tell I was pretty bugged the last couple of weeks and he really was able to help me. He told me that I was not happy here on my mission and baptisms and "success" would not make me any happier. He told me that I need to find a way to be happy for myself before I can get to work. He said I need to find that fire, that light in myself before I can let the light shine forth to others. So I've really been trying to do that. I am really trying to just have fun and learn stuff for myself right now and then I will be able to share the stuff that makes me happy with others and then I will have more success. I'm not slacking off or anything, I'm still working hard but I'm just not beating myself up and I'm having fun :) Ah man that's another thing that's hard about transfers. I have to leave my whole district! Lambo and Gaisford and Brown dang that stinks. It's ok though I'm still excited.
I'm trying to think of stuff that you could send. How about some pictures? I don't have any pictures of my family and people ask to see all the time. And maybe like a photo album. I have pictures but they're just sitting on my camera right now and I don't know what to do with them or what's the best way to send them home. Oh and I'm hoping I forgot to pack my black jacket that I was going to bring because I don't have it but I need it I guess it actually gets cold here. I don't know but it's always fun to get mail.
Well I'm gonna go but I'm glad to here things are going well. I'm really excited for transfers and going to all of our investigators and saying good bye. It will be hard but exciting at the same time.
Posted by Called to Serve Labels:


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